Equipment Install

Equipment Install

Do you have a new heater or freeze guard that you need to install on your pool? Aqua Pearl Pools will be happy to help with any installation services you may need. From cleaners to controllers, we are here to help!

Automatic Controllers

Automation is a great convenience and you can even control your pool remotely with a pool controller. These handy devices allow you to monitor everything from the temperature and heater to the filter pump and pool cleaner all from your tablet, smartphone or desktop computer. Different models offer various features. Our technicians can recommend one that has the options you want.

Salt Systems

Installing a salt system for your pool is an excellent investment that will save you money on chemicals and keep your pool water healthy for swimming. These eco-friendly, safe and effective systems are also low maintenance and easy to use. When the system converts the salt into chlorine, it lacks the harshness of chlorine that is often associated with chlorine. Request an estimate for installation of a new salt system today.


Adding a heater to your pool allows you to get more use out of it during the year. There are many different makes and models to choose from. All have advantages and disadvantages so the decision should not be taken lightly. Let us know your needs in terms of your budget for purchasing and installing the heater as well as operating costs and maintenance. If energy efficiency and environmental friendliness are a concern, we can help you make the best choice.

Filtration Equipment

Filtering the water in your pool is essential for the safety of those who swim in it. Clean pool water allows your pool to function properly. The three main types of pool filters are sand filters, cartridge filters and diatomaceous earth filters. Sand tend are a low maintenance choice and diatomaceous earth filters get the water cleanest but any of the three varieties will do the job, we will give you all the details you need to make an educated decision.

Pool Cleaners

Automatic pool cleaners are a great way to reduce the amount of time you spend cleaning your pool. There are different factors to take in to consideration when choosing a pool cleaner such as the type of interior surface your pool has and the amount of debris that typically falls into your pool. We can help you select the right pool cleaner for your needs and show you how to operate it properly.

Freeze Guards

A freeze guard can be your pool’s best protection when the temperature dips down in the winter. These relatively inexpensive devices have sensors that detect freezing temperatures and automatically turn on your pool equipment to prevent damage from freezing. Even in the south a frost can happen unexpectedly and a freeze guard can save you from having to make expensive repairs or replace pool equipment.

Pool Chiller/Cooler

The pool water circulates through the system, as airflow removes the heat from the water instantly. The chilled water is pumped back into your pool, giving you a refreshing and comfortable feeling while swimming during the hot summer days.

Not only will your pool be refreshing during those hot summer months but your pool water chemistry will be easier to maintain. A 10 degree drop in water temperature (95′ to 85′) can result in a savings of 20-25% on chemical consumption.

* PLEASE NOTE: Some pools can expect less cooling if they have pebble (light or dark), quartz, tile, or dark plaster finishes due to the added heat load by these finishes from the sun. However, if your pool has a pebble finish (any color), quartz, tile, or dark plaster bottom and your pool water volume is close the gallon limits above, you should go up one size when choosing your pool cooler.